Monday, August 23, 2010

first day of school

well I am a teacher now too...
It is almost midnight and I am already behind
The morning sun is soon to shine
My sleep will be not too much
in these months of books and stuff.

Hope my KEEIraboo
comes to love school
that teachers cherish
not letting her perish

My baby boy may be the QB
I may have high anxiety!!!
He had a great day with
teachers he likes..
I hope that it stays
and seventh grade
is not a hike...

Kenna will see a new Spark or two
Mrs. Gregory and a few new
faces that will hopefully delight
She will learn her days of the week
and maybe even change the song by a tweak..

As for me I will learn if a teacher I am cut out to be
A testing ground this will prove of me
I hope I make it
I am excited to try
But man, these nights are gonna fly by....

1 comment:

Pinky Homer said...

Wow! A teacher ... that's exciting. Hope you have great experiences. I love the poem I can tell your fears/hopes for the new year reflect mine perfectly. Good luck!