I just think this is hilarious! Mama Cat has decided this is her favorite place to sleep and last night even Rhino was curled up with her in the basket, but Kenna chased them off before I could get a picture.
Here is the latest project for Kelsey's soccer coach and his wife who are expecting twins next month. They have different edges so you can tell them apart. The kids are KB's too, but they did middle initials as well so they are KDB. My other friends's girls are KB's as well and they did they same both are KEB. Kudos to them! We had a hard enough time getting K names we agreed upon!
I have been loving summer. Staying up too late and talking to the kids. I gave Kelsey a spa night last night and she looked so cute. I will have to post a picture of her today. We did a mud mask, and I did her hair, and I painted her toes and fingersnails. It was a lot of fun. After all the girls fell asleep-Kyle and I were talking. Just as we were going to bed he hugs me and says out of the blue-"Mom, I am so glad you chose to stay home and don't have to work. ****'s mom is never home so we can never get together. It must make him lonely to be home by himself so much."
Now if that doesn't make it all worth it! All the money in the world couldn't give me that joy to hear those words from my son. There maybe days that are hard and lots of work that goes unnoticed or appreciated, but when they are grateful for you just being there-I am understanding more and more President Benson's counsel to mothers to be at the crossroads of your children's lives the entire time they live at home. I have 4 friends who are going through or just in the middle of a divorce this spring and it has really opened my eyes to the importance of not letting the things of the world get in the way of the things that matter most.
At church on Sunday, the high council rep. gave an amazing talk with his wife about marriage. It touched me so much I went up and asked for a copy-(I know I am a church nerd all the way!! :)) I reread it yesterday and it once again really made me stop and think. And well kick myself a little too-we all know that a temple marriage is a covenant between three people-so why do we get caught up in the daily tasks and forget to include HIM completely in our marriage. Family prayer, FHE, scriptures-yes He is here in my home, but I need to make a better effort to include Him in my marriage not just my family. I think when kids get a little older we tend to get busy raising kids and those embers of love keep us going. I would add that by keeping Him in our marriages that those embers will burn strong and help us get through those challenges of life that migh lead to divorce. Don't get me wrong-there are times when that is the best thing for both parties-but my friend put it well-when you are going through it -it is a grief that is all consuming. So go hug your spouse tonight and let them know how much you love and appreicate them. I do appreciate you, jeremy and i love you very much!
You are such a great mom and that's a great compliment to hear. Memories like the ones you are constantly making will be worth millions in the later years. I best compliment I've gotten from my 8 yr old was "mom, you are the best burrito cutter!" LOL ... maybe a few more years of maturity and he'll see the "light!" Thanks for the reminder on marriage ... My neighbor across the street died yesterday. After 67 yrs of marriage this will be their first time apart ... I know it took work and nourishment to get there and I really want that. It's totally worthy it!
I can only hope to someday have the insight you do! I miss you and your family! I wish that I wasn't a poor college student and could just rage down there for the 4th! MAN. Thank you for the bits of wisdom that I will cherish forever Amanda. You truly amaze me.
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