Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big League Dreams

I never thought that I'd say this-but we went to a tournament this weekend at Big League Dreams in League City-and it was sooo cool! All the fields were mini major league fields. It had A/C which was the best and I got to sit behind homeplate and watch Kyle pitch. He was awesome! he kept a better team to three runs in three innnings and it would have been less if a couple of balls hadn't gotten past his teammates. i really never understood the multipication of the heart as you have kids, but watching them accomplish something is soo much sweeter than when you do it yourself. I know that I need to scheudule time for myself, but some days-i really love just being a mom and seeing Kyle and Kelsey develop into these amazing people. I want to love every minute I have left of Kyle's 8 years left at home sinc eI know it will go by way too fast! Hope he is rocking the teams this morning too. way to go big man!

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