Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ok, normally I am a pretty laid back person. I don't get too worked up over things and usually don't have a temper. But last weekend I totally was frustrated by the mess my girls can make. How is it that I have a neat freak for a son and I am begging the girls to clean up. At least there is hope for Kenna-she is always singing "Keem Up" and picking up after herself. She loves to help clean up after dinner and wants to help the big kids with the dishes. Then since hurting my shoulder I have gotten behind on the laundry. Jeremy has helped but it drives me nuts to have clothes that I need to fold. (Note to future self-advise children when they have children that the laundry multiplies with more children!) Throw in sports are starting again and Kelsey and Kyle have enough laundry for 4 people alone!!!
So I cleaned all weekend and had the Yak n Sak Monday and now I need to clean again. I fed the missionaries last night and need to get to cleaning that up-since the kids had homework-they didn't get their kitchen chores done-yeah me!
Plus with having surgery on Friday I am trying to super clean the house before so that it will be clean when my friend Kelsey will be staying with the kids tomorrow night. I am sure she doesn't care if the house is perfectly clean or not-but I just want it done. So here I am avoiding it by posting in my blog. :)
I am a little nervous about it-just from the stand point of when do I really have the time to just lay in bed over the weekend? There is always something to get done here and I know I hate giving up that control to make sure it gets done. But the up side is I should feel a whole lot better in the long run which will help me to get back in shape and not always feel sick. So I am looking forward to that part of it.
I had a migraine yesterday which was the first in a long time. I was so mad because I was really looking forward to going to work at HAAM. I love to go and it is so much fun to go. At least I signed up a lot this spring so I can get back into going regularly like I was. I took some medicine that helped but didn't kick in until about 11am. Thank goodness for Angela and bringing lunch! She made the day so much better! It lingered until bedtime, but I am feeling better today just residual nausea.
My shoulder is feeling better as long as I keep up with my exercises and ice. I will be glad when it is back to normal and Tina gives the the green light to run again. I am determined to run a 10K by my birthday so I want to get busy training. Hopefully in the process will lose some weight.
I also want to add that I am grateful the little miracle that occurred on Monday for me. I was feeling pretty frustated by several things on Monday and was complaining to the Lord. I was not humble just praying for patience to understand why? While I was reaching the point of my frustration-the phone rang. What she told me-humbled me greatly. There maybe a lot of prayers that go unanswered but this one didn't and although I don't understand why this time and not another I was sufficiently humbled to know that I am still be taken care of and watched over by the Lord. I want to express my gratitude for all the He has given me. Especially that Kenna is well. I am grateful for my friends and I am grateful that I have friends from all walks of life. I have friends from soccer, from baseball, from the neighborhood, from school, and from church.
I am also so excited to learn that friends from College Station are coming to Time Out for women in March. I think it will be a lot of fun, especially since I can't go to Women's Conference this year. Thanks cindy for sending me that note and telling me you were coming. I am settled here-but I still look forward to the day when we can move back to College Station one day.

1 comment:

Pinky Homer said...

I totally hear you. It's hard to just lay in bed and watch the house fall apart...I hope that your kids and hubby take good care of you while you are down... and I pray that the surgery will be successful and you'll feel better than ever after you are healed. I'm doing well. I had a blast in AZ w/ Sharma. I'm sad that I won't get to see you...hopefully next year. Love you & keep me updated it.