Thursday, August 6, 2009

My baby boy turned 12

Well it is official. he is a deacon. I can't write much. But it was a sweet experience to watch Jeremy and Kyle pass the sacrament this past Sunday together and the previous Sunday to see him ordained a deacon by his dad. I have watched him go from this infant in my arms to a wild toddler to being baptized to becoming a priesthood holder. It seems in the blink of an eye I will be kissing him goodbye at the MTC. He has grown into a handsome young man and I am sure I will be fighting the YW off with a stick. :) He has already been babysitting 3 times this past week. I am glad to hear his has put babies to bed and cleaned up their houses. He's not my little boy anymore. His dad has done a good job of teaching him how to be a good young man and now Jeremy has a buddy to take to priesthood meetings! :) Now it is I who has to wait another few years....
I never thought that I would look forward to these years, but although I will miss the snuggle of a baby and the sweet communion with God in the stillness of the night I know there will be more times when we talk late at night and I will have that same sweetness just in a different way. I am having fun with his friends around and spending time with him. I am sad to see the summer end.


Unknown said...

That picture of Kyle is so GQ. Good to know he's up for babysitting!

Cara said...

Oh my! 12!! I remember him running around as a 2 yr old!!! Wow is all I can say! Another milestone in life for him, how cool is that to watch him pass the sacrament!
YOur a good mom! Teaching them right.
Love the blog by the way, Im a big blogger!