Thursday, November 19, 2009

Keira's Thanksgiving program

Keira was a pilgrim in her kindergarten program for Thanksgiving. As the teacher read her prepared script her line was "Mercy Me!" in a southern accent. It was pretty funny. She had been practicing her line and singing her songs for a couple of weeks and she was pretty excited for this day. It was fun to watch her. Jeremy and I were there with Kenna and then Kelsey got her GT teacher to let her out of class to come watch the program, but since it was only 5 minutes long-she missed it, but still got to see Keira. Keira did not want us to leave-she broke out in tears- so we signed her out and had a fun day at the park, then she wanted to go to McDonald's so we used our trick or treat coupons and the girls played there. When we got home the little girls played some more. It was a great day.

1 comment:

Mandy Rae said...

I cannot believe how big the girls are!