Thursday, October 9, 2008

That's What Friends Are For...

I know it is a cheesy song, but after last night I have to say Thank you. I realized with great emotion that I can't remember a time i had so much fun with a group of women. I did as a T2 lady, but I laughed so hard and just had fun so thank you to Angela, Kelsey, Michele and Tay for coming out to dinner with me at the little hole in the wall Mexican food place. I appreciate that Kelsey made sure I didn't let it be forgotten last year, but last night I really had fun. I have loved getting to know you Angela and gymnastics and hope that we can continue talking each Tuesday and stuff. I have really enjoyed getting to know you Michele and look forward to your friendly face each time I go...Tay-thanks for always making me feel welcome. I know that life gets busy and hectic but you alway smile and say hi to me no matter where we are-and I appreciate it a lot! And Kelsey-thanks. I remember the first time I met you in the hall and you asked me what I loved to do and I couldn't answer but you told me photography. I felt so stupid that day, but you have never given up on me-you have seen me at my worst (my migraines and rides home from Urgent Care all drugged up) and my pit of despair and you still love me and my kids. I think you and Angela and Michele and Tay have helped me see all the good things in life I had forgotten about. Thanks guys... Keep smilin', keep shinin'Knowin' you can always count on me, for sureThat's what friends are forFor good times and bad timesI'll be on your side forever moreThat's what friends are for

And Thanks to all the other good friends I have. Each day I check in on my blog and each one of you that leaves me encouraging words brighten each day and I just ove you-how blessed this journey of life has been with rich blessings of friendship I never imagined I would deserve or have. Thanks!


Kelsey said...

You know I love you to death! I love that you are feeling up and happy right now, too! It is so fun to see you feeling better. I am glad we are friends. THANK YOU, for always being one that is willing to watch my crazy kids when not many will brave it. You have been an angel sent to our street for a reason. I am glad we can go back and forth on each other and life each other when needed! I love ya tons

blog_meg said...

I love the blog comments, too! Originally I sent my blog to just family but they never commented. Now that everyone has it I get blog lovin's!

Western Family said...

I had so much fun at your birthday dinner. I think we need to get together more often and just laugh and cry. Thanks for being such a great role model for me as a new parent. I look to you and Kelsey for so much because I see ya'll as such great parents and individuals. Cant wait to see you out and about with your new purse!