Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Catch Up-Pictures to Come later

Ok so I know I have a lot of catching up to do. I will sit down tomorrow and upload all of the pictures from the visit to the farm, Christmas and all the down time we had over the past few weeks. It has been heaven and I am so sad to see it end. I have enjoyed spending time with my kids and Jeremy playing games, staying up too late, sleeping in too late, just enjoying each other. Christmas was wonderful and not too materialistic. The grandparents spoiled the kids as usual, but "Santa" brought the kids just enough and they remembered what the season meant. We shared out New Year's Eve with friends and it was wonderful and low key. Kenna as usual freaked out about the fireworks, but fell asleep around ten so she didn't have to deal with the super fireworks display our street put on this year! It was crazy!!! I even had to come in from all of the gunpowder smokeyness in the air!!! But our firepit kept us warm and it was a great night!
We spent time with friends and family-isn't that what it is all about?
Keira, Kenna, and Jeremy all struggled with sinus infection off and on throughout the holiday season. Kenna had a massive ear infection last week that thank goodness she has tubes or I think her ear drum would have burst! The amount of drainage was huge! I have never been soooo thankful for tubes in ears as I was last week! Keira was finally allergy tested and she is allergic mainly to molds. But we think that meds will keep her in check. That was a rough day yesterday, but she was a trooper!
Most of all I am grateful for the miracles that occur in our lives. We don't know when they will happen, but when they do they change us forever. Our outlook changes and we see things differently. We see God's hand in our lives and how He reaches down into our lives and helps us when we need it. I think if we answered on our timetable it would not be as sweet or as special. I am grateful for those answered prayers. For those miracles in my life that I was able to experience this Christmas. For a new understanding....

1 comment:

Megan said...

So glad you "stalked" my blog!!! Your family is darling. Can I pass along your blog address to my mom?