Thursday, September 4, 2008

I hope that heaven is as small as the world can be at times so I can find treasures like this one

I have sooo much laundry to fold, but I was really touched by a conversation that I had tonight with a mom at soccer. She has 4 kids too and they are close to the same age as mine. Only her boy is the baby. We were talking about kids and babies and if we wanted anymore in spite of the fact we both had our tubes tied. We both agreed that we did and I mentioned I'd thought about it a lot lately since Christine Giles and Jenna Ricker are superheroes in my book for going through their trials and being pregnant. This mom knew Maren W and she had told her the story before I had even mentioned her name. She said that Maren described Christine the same way I had and this mom felt the same about Maren. It was neat to see that even in such a big world it is small enough that a family that doesn't even know the Giles family is praying every day for them. I love the bond that is shared among mothers. It doesn't matter what faith, race, or background we come from-if we are a mother we love our children and we want to help other mothers as they walk this journey of motherhood together. I had never really talked to Julie before but I left wanting to be a better person and mother and hope that if I came up in a conversation that my example shone as strong as Christine's. Jenna and Josie are just as amazing. They are so strong and exude while raising kids when their companion is not with them on a daily basis. Being a military wife is a noble call whatever the time of the world. Thanks Pinky and Josie and all the other women who raise kids while their true loves serve our country. Thanks to Kelsey and Sheri for being my friends when no one else seemed to care. I thank you for your goodness and kindness and help when the going gets tough. Most of all I'm grateful to call you friend. There are other women I am thankful for-if I don't mention you by name I am sure I will. I seem to be addicted to this and I seem to be long winded. Must be all the years of talking to kids.....

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Glad I found your blog!! I too am amazed at some women around us. They are so strong and teach me so much. I have kissed and hugged Tayla so much lately. Seeing these kind of things go on around me helps me realize what a special gift she is to me and how lucky I am to have her healthy and strong. I loved reading your posts!